satyr class

Satyr Name Generator & Race Guide

Create fantastic names for your magical innovator

satyr character

Example Characters

Generated Characters

Melody Wildflute

AlignmentChaotic Good

Name Meaning

Melody:Sweet Music

Wildflute:Forest Singer

Grove Vineweaver

AlignmentTrue Neutral

Name Meaning

Grove:Forest Heart

Vineweaver:Nature's Dance

Pan Dawnpiper

AlignmentChaotic Neutral

Name Meaning

Pan:Nature's Joy

Dawnpiper:Morning Song

Satyr Name Guide

Satyr names reflect their fey nature and love of revelry, drawing inspiration from ancient Greek mythology and the Feywild's whimsical essence.

Name Structure

  • Given Names:

    Melodic and playful names that evoke joy and music

    • Male examples: Theron, Pan, Daphnis, Silenus, Philon, Lysander
    • Female examples: Thalia, Erato, Calliope, Daphne, Melaina, Phoebe
  • Nature Names:

    Names inspired by natural elements and celebrations

    • Examples: Vineweaver, Dawnpiper, Revelsong, Meadowdance
    • Often reflects their connection to nature and festivities
  • Performance Names:

    Names earned through their artistic talents

    • Examples: Songweaver, Talespinner, Danceleaf, Riddlemaster
    • Usually adopted based on their preferred form of entertainment

Origins & Heritage

Originating in the Feywild, satyrs are fey creatures who embody the spirit of revelry and freedom. They combine humanoid features with goat-like legs, cloven hooves, and distinctive horns, marking their magical nature.

Physical Traits

  • Height: 5-6 feet tall, with slender builds
  • Distinctive Features: Goat-like legs, cloven hooves, and ram or goat horns
  • Movement: Naturally agile with exceptional jumping ability
  • Lifespan: Age at about the same rate as humans

Character Creation Guide

When creating your satyr character, consider these unique racial traits and gameplay elements:

Racial Abilities

  • Magic Resistance: Advantage on saving throws against spells
  • Mirthful Leaps: Enhanced jumping ability with bonus distance
  • Ram: Natural weapon using horns for melee attacks
  • Reveler: Natural proficiency in Performance and Persuasion

Core Traits

  • Creature Type: Fey instead of humanoid
  • Base Speed: 35 feet walking speed
  • Size: Medium (5-6 feet tall)
  • Languages: Common and choice of one other language

Roleplaying Suggestions

  • Embrace your natural love for music and celebration
  • Balance freedom-loving nature with party dynamics
  • Use your social skills and artistic talents
  • Explore the tension between fey nature and mortal world