minotaur class

Minotaur Name Generator & Race Guide

Create fantastic names for your magical innovator

minotaur character

Example Characters

Generated Characters

Khorn Steelhorn

AlignmentChaotic Neutral

Name Meaning

Khorn:One who charges forward

Steelhorn:Unbreakable horns

Minos Ironhoof

AlignmentLawful Neutral

Name Meaning

Minos:Ancient king

Ironhoof:Strong as iron

Asterion Pathfinder

AlignmentTrue Neutral

Name Meaning

Asterion:Star walker

Pathfinder:One who knows the way

Minotaur Name Guide

Minotaur names reflect their powerful nature and cultural heritage, drawing from their strong warrior traditions and labyrinthine origins. Our name generator creates authentic names that capture the essence of these proud and mighty beings.

Name Structure

  • Personal Names:

    Strong, commanding names that often incorporate elements of strength and power

    • Male examples: Asterion, Kyrtos, Moradon, Tauros, Karnos
    • Female examples: Asterae, Kyra, Minos, Taurea, Karna
  • Clan Names:

    Often reference great deeds, locations, or ancestral connections

    • Examples: Skophos, Mogis, Ordruun, Labyrinthborn, Horncarver
    • May reflect their connection to mazes or legendary achievements
  • Honor Names:

    Earned through notable accomplishments

    • Examples: Mazewalker, Hornlord, Battleroar, Stormhoof
    • Often awarded after significant victories or demonstrations of strength

Origins & Heritage

Minotaurs are barrel-chested humanoids with heads resembling those of bulls. Some believe they were first created by the Lady of Pain to patrol magical mazes, while others trace their origins to various mythical sources.

Physical Traits

  • Height: Average over 6 feet tall with stocky builds
  • Distinctive horns: Range from 1 to 3 feet in length
  • Powerful build with cloven hooves
  • Thick fur along neck and back
  • Long, tufted tails (sometimes docked in certain cultures)

Character Creation Guide

When creating your Minotaur character, consider these unique racial traits and gameplay elements:

Racial Abilities

  • Horns: Natural weapons dealing 1d6 + Strength modifier piercing damage
  • Goring Rush: Special attack after using Dash action
  • Hammering Horns: Ability to push enemies with horns
  • Labyrinthine Recall: Natural sense of direction and navigation
  • Imposing Presence: Proficiency in Intimidation or Persuasion

Cultural Traits

  • Strong warrior traditions
  • Natural tactical abilities
  • Deep connection to mazes and navigation
  • Pride in physical strength and combat prowess
  • Complex honor codes and clan loyalties

Roleplaying Suggestions

  • Embrace your warrior heritage
  • Consider your clan's traditions
  • Express pride in your strength
  • Show respect for mazes and navigation