locathah class

Locathah Name Generator & Race Guide

Create fantastic names for your magical innovator

locathah character

Example Characters

Generated Characters

Coral Deepcurrent

AlignmentLawful Neutral

Name Meaning

Coral:Reef Guardian

Deepcurrent:Ocean Dweller

Wave Tidecaller

AlignmentTrue Neutral

Name Meaning

Wave:Water Shaper

Tidecaller:Tide Speaker

Pearl Stormfin

AlignmentNeutral Good

Name Meaning

Pearl:Ocean Treasure

Stormfin:Storm Swimmer

Locathah Name Guide

Locathah names reflect their aquatic heritage and tribal culture, often incorporating sounds that can be clearly pronounced both above and below water.

Name Structure

  • Personal Names:

    Short, fluid names that can be heard clearly underwater

    • Examples: Shal, Koral, Naut, Marin, Delph
    • Often contains sounds that carry well in water
  • Tribal Names:

    References to ocean features or marine life

    • Examples: Deepcurrent, Coralkin, Tidefin, Wavespeaker
    • Often describes tribal territory or heritage
  • Naming Traditions:

    Traditional naming patterns

    • Names often incorporate water-themed elements
    • Tribal names may reference significant underwater landmarks

Origins & Heritage

Locathah are resilient fish-folk who have endured war, slavery, and mistreatment at the hands of other aquatic creatures. They maintain proud tribal communities along seacoasts, hunting both above and below the water.

Physical Traits

  • Height: 5-6 feet tall
  • Weight: Average about 150 pounds
  • Distinctive Features: Tough, scaly skin and fish-like appearance
  • Lifespan: Mature by 10, can live up to 80 years

Character Creation Guide

When creating your Locathah character, consider these unique racial traits:

Racial Abilities

  • Natural Armor: Tough, scaly skin provides AC 12 + Dexterity modifier
  • Limited Amphibiousness: Can breathe air and water, but must submerge every 4 hours
  • Leviathan Will: Advantage on saves against certain conditions
  • Observant and Athletic: Proficient in Athletics and Perception

Ability Score Increases

  • Strength: +2
  • Dexterity: +1

Roleplaying Suggestions

  • Embrace your tribal heritage and communal values
  • Consider how your amphibious nature affects your worldview
  • Roleplay your resilience against oppression
  • Incorporate your natural athletic abilities into your character