kobold class

Kobold Name Generator & Race Guide

Create fantastic names for your magical innovator

kobold character

Example Characters

Generated Characters

Spark Flamescale

WeaponLight Crossbow
AlignmentTrue Neutral

Name Meaning

Spark:Tiny flame that ignites great magic

Flamescale:Those who bear the dragon's fire scales

Tinker Gearmaker

WeaponLight Crossbow
AlignmentLawful Neutral
BackgroundGuild Artisan

Name Meaning

Tinker:Clever hands that craft wonders

Gearmaker:Masters of mechanical innovation

Shadow Nightscale

WeaponHand Crossbow
AlignmentNeutral Evil

Name Meaning

Shadow:One who moves unseen

Nightscale:Scales dark as midnight

Kobold Name Guide

Kobold names reflect their draconic heritage and tribal nature, often incorporating harsh consonants and sibilant sounds that echo their draconic ancestry.

Name Structure

  • Personal Names:

    Short, sharp names with draconic influences

    • Male examples: Meepo, Drik, Sniv, Kurik, Vix, Zex
    • Female examples: Kip, Mika, Sika, Ekki, Rika, Zika
  • Tribal Names:

    Often descriptive of their role or achievements

    • Examples: Trapsetter, Dragonfriend, Tunneldigger, Scalehunter
    • Reflects their position within the tribe or notable deeds
  • Naming Patterns:

    Common patterns in Kobold names

    • Names often contain hard consonants (k, t, x) and sibilants (s, z)
    • Usually short, one or two syllables

Origins & Heritage

Kobolds are small draconic humanoids who trace their lineage to the first dragons. Despite their diminutive size, they possess a fierce pride in their draconic heritage and maintain complex social structures centered around their tribes.

Physical Traits

  • Height: 2-3 feet tall
  • Weight: 25-35 pounds
  • Scales: Usually rust-colored, sometimes matching chromatic or metallic dragons
  • Lifespan: Reach adulthood at 6, can live up to 120 years

Character Creation Guide

When creating your kobold character, consider these unique racial traits and gameplay elements:

Racial Abilities

  • Draconic Cry: Bonus action to grant advantage on attacks
  • Darkvision: See in darkness up to 60 feet
  • Pack Tactics: Advantage on attacks when allies are nearby
  • Small Size: Can squeeze through tight spaces

Kobold Legacy Options

  • Craftiness: Proficiency in useful skills
  • Defiance: Advantage against being frightened
  • Draconic Sorcery: Access to sorcerer cantrips
  • Legacy: Connection to draconic bloodlines

Roleplaying Suggestions

  • Embrace your tribal nature and pack mentality
  • Use your small size and cleverness to your advantage
  • Show pride in your draconic heritage
  • Focus on group tactics and cooperation