kenku class

Kenku Name Generator & Race Guide

Create fantastic names for your magical innovator

kenku character

Example Characters

Generated Characters

Chime Shadowcall

WeaponHand Crossbow
AlignmentChaotic Neutral

Name Meaning

Chime:Bell Sound

Shadowcall:Night Voice

Echo Songmock

AlignmentChaotic Good

Name Meaning

Echo:Sound Mirror

Songmock:Song Copier

Kraw Nightfeather

AlignmentTrue Neutral

Name Meaning

Kraw:Hunter in twilight

Nightfeather:Seekers in the dark

Kenku Name Guide

Kenku names are unique in that they are actually sounds from their environment, as these raven-folk can only communicate through mimicry. Their names often reflect natural sounds, city noises, or fragments of conversations they've heard.

Name Structure

  • Sound-Based Names:

    Names that mimic environmental sounds

    • Examples: Doorcreak, Bellring, Coinspin, Raindrop
    • Urban sounds: Lockclick, Kettlewhistle, Marketcall
  • Word-Fragment Names:

    Pieces of words or phrases they've heard

    • Examples: Whisper, Chime, Clatter, Echo
    • Often related to their profession or environment
  • Nature-Sound Names:

    Names based on natural phenomena

    • Examples: Windwhisper, Leafrustle, Wavesplash
    • Reflects their connection to their surroundings

Origins & Heritage

Kenku are cursed flightless bird-folk who lost their wings and creativity in ancient times. They are blessed with perfect mimicry abilities and supernatural memory, making them excellent spies and infiltrators.

Physical Traits

  • Height: Around 5 feet tall
  • Weight: 90-120 pounds
  • Appearance: Raven-like features with black feathers
  • Lifespan: Reach maturity at 12, can live to 60

Character Creation Guide

When creating your Kenku character, consider these unique racial traits and abilities:

Racial Abilities

  • Expert Duplication: Advantage on checks to duplicate writing or craftwork
  • Kenku Recall: Proficiency in two skills and limited advantage usage
  • Mimicry: Can perfectly imitate any sound they've heard
  • Language: Can speak through mimicry, read and write Common plus one other language

Suggested Classes

  • Rogue: Natural fit for their dexterity and stealth abilities
  • Ranger: Excellent scouts and wilderness survivors
  • Bard: Can create unique performances through mimicry
  • Artificer: Their expert duplication aids in crafting

Roleplaying Tips

  • Use your mimicry creatively for communication
  • Leverage your perfect memory in social situations
  • Consider how your character views their cursed nature
  • Explore the tension between individual identity and mimicry