hobgoblin class

Hobgoblin Name Generator & Race Guide

Create fantastic names for your magical innovator

hobgoblin character

Example Characters

Generated Characters

Honor Warpriest

AlignmentLawful Evil

Name Meaning

Honor:Code Keeper

Warpriest:Battle Priest

Iron Disciplined

AlignmentLawful Neutral

Name Meaning

Iron:Strong Will

Disciplined:Order Keeper

Grim Darkpact

WeaponLight Crossbow
AlignmentLawful Evil

Name Meaning

Grim:Dark One

Darkpact:Shadow Bound

Hobgoblin Name Guide

Hobgoblin names reflect their militaristic culture and fey origins, combining martial strength with mystical elements. Our name generator draws from both their disciplined warrior traditions and their ancient fey heritage.

Name Structure

  • Given Names:

    Short, strong names that command respect

    • Male examples: Karrguk, Dhoraz, Azkan, Morgath, Vhazak
    • Female examples: Shahra, Kizza, Lurzana, Morkha, Azzka
  • Legion Names:

    Earned through military service or achievements

    • Examples: Steelhand, Ironheart, Warcaller, Dawnguard, Battleborn
    • Often reflects military rank or notable battlefield accomplishments
  • Fey Titles:

    Ancient names connecting to their Feywild heritage

    • Examples: Twilightbound, Courtwalker, Feysworn, Duskweaver
    • Usually granted by elders recognizing their fey connections

Origins & Heritage

Hobgoblins trace their origins to the ancient courts of the Feywild, where they first emerged alongside goblins and bugbears. Though many were later driven out by the god Maglubiyet, they retain their connection to fey magic through their mystical bonds of reciprocity.

Physical Traits

  • Height: 5-6 feet tall
  • Weight: 150-200 pounds
  • Distinctive Features: Curved pointed ears, expressive noses that change color with emotion
  • Lifespan: Similar to humans

Character Creation Guide

When creating your hobgoblin character, consider these unique racial traits and gameplay elements:

Core Racial Features

  • Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws against being charmed
  • Fey Gift: Use Help action as bonus action with special benefits
  • Fortune from the Many: Draw strength from nearby allies
  • Darkvision: See in dim light and darkness

Cultural Traits

  • Strong emphasis on military discipline and honor
  • Deep bonds of reciprocity within their communities
  • Balance between martial prowess and fey magic
  • Highly organized social structure

Roleplaying Suggestions

  • Embrace both military discipline and fey heritage
  • Consider how your character views bonds of reciprocity
  • Explore the tension between honor and practicality
  • Develop relationships based on mutual benefit and loyalty