duergar class

Duergar Name Generator & Race Guide

Create fantastic names for your magical innovator

duergar character

Example Characters

Generated Characters

Thorgak Steelgrave

AlignmentLawful Evil

Name Meaning

Thorgak:Thunder of the deep dark

Steelgrave:Warriors of the iron depths

Durnig Forgemaster

WeaponLight Crossbow
AlignmentLawful Neutral
BackgroundGuild Artisan

Name Meaning

Durnig:Master of deep forges

Forgemaster:Shapers of underground steel

Grimna Darkstone

AlignmentLawful Neutral

Name Meaning

Grimna:Stern justice of the depths

Darkstone:Guardians of ancient stone

Duergar Name Guide

Duergar names reflect their grim determination and connection to the Underdark. Their names often carry harsh consonants and guttural sounds, typical of Dwarvish language.

Name Structure

  • Given Names:

    Short, strong names with hard consonants

    • Male examples: Thulwar, Drukhaz, Ghornim, Krathak, Narrak
    • Female examples: Ardhak, Elmeth, Gharvil, Thalra, Ulara
  • Clan Names:

    Often reference their Underdark heritage or crafting prowess

    • Examples: Steelshadow, Darkforge, Stonefist, Deepanvil, Grimhammer
    • Often reflects clan's specialty in crafting or mining
  • Naming Patterns:

    Common patterns in Duergar names

    • Male names often end in consonants: -k, -r, -z, -m
    • Female names frequently end in -a or -eth

Origins & Heritage

The Duergar, or gray dwarves, were transformed by centuries of living in the Underdark and enduring mind flayer enslavement. Their experiences have given them unique psionic abilities and a grim determination.

Physical Traits

  • Height: 4-5 feet tall
  • Appearance: Ashen-skinned, wiry build, bald heads
  • Distinctive Features: Black eyes, males have long gray beards
  • Lifespan: Average of 350 years

Character Creation Guide

When creating your Duergar character, consider these unique racial traits and gameplay elements:

Racial Abilities

  • Superior Darkvision: See up to 120 feet in darkness
  • Duergar Magic: Cast Enlarge and Invisibility
  • Dwarven Resilience: Resistance to poison
  • Psionic Fortitude: Advantage against being charmed or stunned

Cultural Traits

  • Value hard work and toil above all else
  • Maintain stoic and grim demeanor
  • Excel at crafting utilitarian items
  • Strong sense of order and tradition

Roleplaying Suggestions

  • Embrace the serious and determined nature of your people
  • Consider how your Underdark heritage affects your worldview
  • Play up your character's crafting or mining expertise
  • Explore the impact of your people's history of enslavement